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Sprung 24

  • Prema Arts Centre Bethesda Chapel, South Street Uley, England, GL11 5SS United Kingdom (map)

Sprung 2024 is Prema’s new open-call exhibition for artists, designers and makers aged between eighteen and thirty.

The exhibition features early-career artists on different pathways through studying, training, building up and maintaining their practices; a time to take creative risks and to form ideas which can inspire years of work. 

Building upon Prema’s fifty-year history as a pioneering rural safehouse for the development of artists and their creative practice, Sprung seeks to encourage conversations and collaboration between those at various stages in their artistic career, and to showcase a diverse range of practice happening among young artists in 2024. Prema is a small, independent rural arts centre in Uley, founded in 1981.

The project is being directed by Charlie Ash, a resident artist at Prema from 2023-25, who graduated from BA Fine Art at Falmouth in 2019. He is working with Jessy Plant, a Stroud based artist and curator alongside the team at Prema to support fresh, innovative visual arts culture in a rural setting. 

Contact and Visiting Info
(01453) 860703